21 October 2009


ALL, school and public Bathrooms Stink. Mostly School Bathrooms. People really need to sort themselves out. The things they write on the walls are disturbing!!!! And also why can't they get in there soon enough?! I hardly EVER get changed in those bathrooms! Unless I really have too, but that is hardly ever the case. I never really need to go for a visit, when I am away from home. Don't know why. And I always find dried up (used-to-be wet)toliet paper on the ceiling, YICK! WHY DO PEOPLE DO THIS? WHAT IF IT FELL DOWN AND HIT ME ON THE HEAD!!!!???? ALRIGHT, IT WOULD BE FUNNY (for you). BUT IMAGINE IF THE DRIED UP TOLIET PAPER HIT YOU ON THE HEAD!? WHO'S LAUGHING NOW!?
If you do this insane, disgusting, habit here is your own therapy class over the internet (Imagine this): You scrunch up some toliet paper and soak it in the sink. You throw your wet toliet paper onto the ceiling. It looks stupidly funny so you try it again. You are laughing at the two. Then you throw up six more. Still funny. You are looking up proudly at your "work". You can't help laughing, and you're still looking up at it. With your mouth wide open. The six you just threw up there rains down on you. Two goes directly into your mouth. Four land on your clothes. The last two land in your hair.
How does that make you feel?

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