11 October 2009

Twilight Saga.

Everyone heard of TWILIGHT right? Okay. I like it and all but there are somethings that seem really strange to me. Okay:
1. I noticed from a YouTube video that told me that Bella has the same traits as the author Stefenie Meyer. You know curly reddish hair, pale kind of skin. And you know how she had that dream? And she claims that she saw her two characters (Edward and Bella) in exact detail. I think she saw a younger version of herself.
2. BELLA! Why can't Bella TAKE CARE OF HERSELF?! Is this some sort of FANTASY where the Princess is always fainting and getting captured, and the Prince in this case Edward has always has to come to her RESCUE.
3. JACOB AND EDWARD. Bella has an obsession with these two guys. And she can't choose! In Eclispe Jacob goes in for a kiss with Bella, which I was totally against, and so was Bella. She decided to PUNCH him. Since he is a Werewolf and OF COURSE "super-strong" she broke her hand. Typical.
4. Oh god. She now claims she loves him too. And of course I am NOT talking about Mike Newton or Tyler, we are talking about JACOB BLACK. She kisses him so he stays with her while the others fight these "Newborn" Vampires. Then of course he says (in theory) "That kiss was hot and all, but I just did that purposely so I'll get a kiss with you and get to tell the rest of the Pack about it and also Charlie, and still don't get a beating from your leech Boyfriend." Then she pouts in pleading and he goes (in theory) "But I like a good fight."
5. A night before she kissed Jacob Black She got engaged. And Edward still isn't mad.
6. She has a kid (in Breaking Dawn) not that she cheated while she was on her Honeymoon (yes they got married, now calm down), she has a (half) VAMPIRE child. She pictures it as a Boy (when I was obsessed with the series I was gutted too) but actually turns out to be a (another) mini, younger version of Stefenie Meyer (Girl). Jacob does his imprinting magic. But imgagine if it was a BOY. Like I am not against Gays' don't get me wrong but somehow it still sends a light shiver down my spine when I think of it that way. Also Bella used to be obsessed with Jacob Black, and kissed him well passionately kissed him, with her permisson AND without her permission. Which means she kissed her future son-in-law, that is like kissing the bottom of a hairy, greasy, foot.


  1. hey
    its zoe, you no
    that girl who lives in scotland?
    all im saying is how can u be like that
    about twillight!!!!!!! i love the series!
    and also bella has black girly hair :s
    which gets me kinda confused
    also its asome that you have ur own blog!
    nice seeing ur all grown up.

  2. Yeah, yeah. I remember you! I can't believe YOU said that about twilight! YOU were the one who told me that Disney Channel was taking over the world! Which is true.
