18 October 2009


You all heard my rant about the "Twilight Saga" below. Although the series is the most ridiculous love tale, I kind of like it myself. Anyways about around from May to mid-August I thought Robert Pattinson was a total sleaze because of a thing he said on "Unscripted". When he was asked to make his most sexy face. And he said (quote): "I thought I was already doing it.". Then I found out in mid-August from a website I go on a girl had said: In Chicago Robert Pattinson was rushing to his Hotel or Whatever, while his fans were chasing him, scratching their necks till they BLEED. Asking him to "Bite Them".
Imagine that!!! I felt so bad!

In another interview he told the Reporter that a SEVEN YEAR-OLD GIRL told him (not asked, told) him (quote): "I NEED YOU TO BITE ME." He said she had the most serious look on her face that he almost did it. But ended up telling her(quote): "You don't know what you're asking. I could get arrested".

In another thing: When I was watching Clevver TV they said that there is a rumour going around that Kristen Stewart is having Robert Pattinson's Baby. I (tried) replied with (Sorry I can't exactly remember what I said, I will give it my best): Probably not. Although, they always seem to be sharing hotels together, but they do travel a lot with their stardom. But they were spotted leaving a restaurant together, left, followed by the Paparazzi, and fans to a Hotel. BTW: It isn't our business, it's theirs.

I also saw a comment about this "Pregnancy Scam" they said (quote)"i hope not....because i WANNA HAVE EDWARDS BABY!" This (supposing)Girl wants to have a Baby with a FICTIONAL Character. Another person thought Robert and Kristen were MARRIED!!!!!! People are trying to spread rumors over the Internet!!

Another thing (again)!: When Taylor Launter appeared with Robert Pattison on they Tyra show Taylor confessed that a FORTY YEAR-OLD WOMAN asked Taylor to sign her Team Taylor Panties while she was wearing them and he was on the Red Carpet (in a public place), thankfully he was saved by his publicist.

ALSO: He was once he was running away from his fans, he was so freaked by it he couldn't focus and a TAXI crashed into him, breaking his nose!!!!

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