24 October 2009


Style is who you are on the outside. So my style is kinda girly. I would never dye, streak, or put extentions into my hair. I would never wear contacts to look like I have a different eye colour. But expressing who you are. I can't judge you, so don't judge me. And I SUCK at sports. But what reason does that give you to yell, call me a loser or anything else. It won't make you any better. People tell me to try harder. WHAT THE HELL!? YOU CAN SEE I AM TRYING MY BEST AND ALL YOU DO IS SAY YOUR BETTER!!!!! I COULD PUNCH YOU RIGHT THE FACE, BECAUSE YOU THINK YOU'RE BETTER. YOU CAN MAKE FUN OF MY HOBBIES, WHILE YOU ARE READING A BOOK ON STAR WARS. My level in reading isn't all how fast I read. It is how much I take in and learn!!!!! How much I understand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And you think you have the right going around saying you know everything when you don't!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You don't know what exactly what I do at home unless you're me!!!!!!!!!!! You don't know what kind of environment I live in!!!!!! You can't call me "poor" because I am "Ugly"!!!!!!!!!!! Do you know that one of these days you could say a tiny little insult and that result in suicide, I have read cases where that has happened. Example: A girl dating a really cute guy over Cyberspace (Internet), two weeks after Cyberdating, she signed on to Cyberspace. There was the really cute guy wating to talk to her. She was hoping to talk to him more. The really cute "Guy" got nasty and said "The world will be a better place without you.". The girl was so hurt she hung herself in bedroom. And her mother walked finding her daughter hanging there. Four weeks later they found out it was another mother of one this girl's (the girl who hung herself) friends. She didn't like the sound of the girl being friends with her daugther. She was charged with something. Moral 1: Never Cyberdate, you never know who it really is. Moral 2: Watch what comes out of that Pie Hole of yours.

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