23 October 2009

Sequel 2 Earlier

Earlier, I told you that you can get cosmetic surgery (ONLY AS A LAST RESORT) to fix your body flaws. But before you book the date for going under the knife, do you research first. Ask yourself these questions: What will I look like after? Answer: It is really unknown. But if you are going to get more than 20 surgeries, plus botox, plus a fake tan. Well you are definitely going to look fake. Cut down on the surgeries. Plus there is always another way. You can work your flaws rather than hate them by: Simply Walking confidently (Shoulders Back, Head Held High, and great posture), find a item that covers up this unsightly flaw (with: Acessories, and fantastic clothes) they won't be able to see the thing that you feel selfconscious about, be Confident: they maybe able to see it but when you stop caring, they will. What will people think of me afterwards? Answer: Some will hate this decision of yours, or maybe jealous of your new look. You might be used for the popularity here and there. And some will like the new you. There is also that small percentage that really don't care. Just don't become a total SNOB.

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