22 October 2009

The Reasons.

In my other two posts, about Twilight have been kinda confusing for you. Because it is half-and-half with me liking Twilight. These are the reasons I LIKE twilight (In my first post about Twilight I wrote why I didn't like and also what was random about it). Now to write about it. REASONS I LIKE TWILIGHT:
1. MY favourite characters. My favourite characters are quite different than others (well not that different). Alice: She is just awesome-ingling annoying to Bella (I do not HATE Bella). Emmett: I love his sense of humor. Epscically in the last book.
Rosalie: I love her and Jacob in the last book (I ain't IN love, and I only like Jacob just as pair with Rosalie). (quote): "YOU. GOT. FOOD. IN. MY. HAIR." Loving it! I also love Rosalie when she is around Resesmee (I think that's how you spell it. I just can't be bothered to check!).
Carlisle: He reminds me of Mr. MC Dreamy (from ER or something? Or is it Greys Anatomy, I just can't be bothered to check that one either!). Esme: She shows such a loving vibe and Passion. And the story about her poor little boy broke my heart! But then it was saved by Dr. Carlisle Cullen (rrrrrr (That was meant to make the sense of a purring noise!))! Charlie: Come on! I just love it when he yells a Edward (New Moon, don't worry I am getting to Edward)!!!!! Mike Newton: I remember vaguely that Bella mentioned (in her mind) that she pictured him with a Labrador wagging tail, or picturing he was a Labrador. Because he was so loyal to Bella. Seth: He is such a cool, relaxed, person in Breaking Dawn. Like he kinda deloveps this light friendship with Edward. He just treats the Cullens like they were part of his pack. Paul: I love that he needs to see like a mental health doctor or something. Like a therapist. And last but not least (drum role please)!!!!: Tyler!!!!! Just kidding. Edward: I don't have the strongest connection with him or Bella. Like he Stalks Bella. He lies to her, instead of trying to just tell her he is moving (yes I know, he already says he's moving, but he could just leave it at that), but I do understand that he was trying to make her life normal again, so I can take the penalty off. But I love it when he smiles! It makes ME smile!!!!! And he actually cares for Bella, un-like other guys, care for her, but more of in a friendship way, and she is newest to town, so.
2.Parts (You know the part the make you laugh, but won't score the Characters' a favourites spot?): Bella Temper Tantrums: Such a baby. Tyler showing up to pick her up but she is already with Edward!: Ha! I feel sorry for Tyler! Awkward! When Jacob tells Bella what he was thinking about the day when Jacob shows up at Forks High School to Confront Edward (Book 3:Eclispe): Nice! (quote): "I wish Sam had taken a picture!".
Luv Ellie.

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