07 December 2010


Today I became a Monk...
Actually no I didn't. I became a Vegetarian. You see, today in Food Technology we watched a movie. Because the whole Food Technology Kitchen is being ripped out to be replaced. But that isn't the reason. So we watched a movie. And our Food Technology is kind of a health freak, and I mean I don't blame her, with all these Obesity and Under Weight problems now days. And she made us watch this movie (some of these things in the movie I noticed the she has be talking about all year) called Food INC. And it is about the Food Industry in US of A. And let me tell you it was brutal. They made chickens gain so much weight they could barely walk, JUST because it was cheaper. Did you know a chicken farmer got FIRED because she wouldn't put covers over the chicken house windows (they wanted her to do this because no one will be able to see in if she did). About half a factory farms cows legs are covered in Crap, and when they are slaughtered the crap can get into YOUR food. And now they are making cows and fish eat corn. It might not sound as bad, but cows nor fishes body's are designed to process corn. And did you know in US of A 80% of your meat is factory farmed. That's just disgusting. And did you know that WHOLE 80% is ruled by only FOUR companies. That's not all. Since they are making Food in cheap short-cut, bloody disgusting ways they can afford to SELL it cheap. So in Hispanic countries other farmers were put out of business. So to collect more workers, in their rising power they sent buses to the Hispanic countries to get illegal immigrants to work for them. And they'll get one single job like putting dead chickens of the assembly line, so it is easy and quick to replace them. And since the immigrants are ILLEGAL they don't want the government cracking down on them for what they have been doing, they'll turn some of their workers in (the ones THEY brought over). And all of this has resulted in E Coli which CAN kill you. No matter what your health condition was, it can. This is a video about a YouTube Make-Guru who GOT E Coli: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vtXG9WjTQy0

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