22 December 2010

I was on Youtube.....

Okay I was on Youtube watching EllesGlitterGossip on Youtube and she was doing a holiday Tag and I thought about how she tagged all her viewers. So I decided to do the tag on here. Okay let me start!
1. Whats Your Favorite Holiday Movie? The ghosts of christmas past
2. Whats Your Favorite Christmas Color? Red, silver, white, and gold
3. Do You Like To Stay in Your PJs Or Dress Up For Christmas? On christmas day we hang out with extended family, but my extended family have either gone to Switzerland for christmas or Auckland to see the other halves of their families. But my eldest cousin IS coming with her partner which I am excited about, because I hardly ever see her, and yes it is usually a formal occasion.
4. If You Could Only Buy One Person a Present This Year Who Would It Be? My mum.
5. Do You Open Your Present Christmas Eve Or Christmas Morning? Mum gives us new pjs straight up unwrapped for christmas eve, but we unwrap our 'real' presents on christmas day.
6. Have You Ever Built a Ginger Bread House? No! But I want to! They look yum!
7. What Do You Like To Do On Your Christmas Break? Chill.
8. Any Christmas Wishes? Uhhhh... IDK
9. Favorite Christmas Smell? Something baking
10. Favorite Christmas Meal Or Treat? It used to be ham, but then I become a vegetarian...... so now it is the usual.... sweets
And I tag you to link me to your blog or Youtube video with this tag. Or just do it in the comments....

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