21 December 2010

My life is boring

My life is boring at the moment. And in meaning boring, I mean VERY boring. So I decided to search I hate twilight into google. Just like you'll do with Dora the Explorer, and...... I don't know what else, I don't know what is as bad as Twilight or Dora the Explorer. And I found some funny pictures.

And everyone will be like 'Oh why do you like Harry Potter so much? Huh? Huh? Huh?' That's because it is a book that doesn't revolve around a persons love life, and he has had more than one love in his life. Not like 'Oh look there is a guy/girl. I have never dated before.' THREE YEARS LATER. 'You are my first love and only love.' And Ginny? She has had far more than just one boyfriend (in a non-slutty way...). I mean wouldn't you get kind of, I don't know bored...? I mean the person you are going to get married to is the only person you've ever dated... His life revolves around killing some dude that only the him, or the dude himself can kill. Same with him. That's a lot of pressure. But with 'Bella Swan's' life it suddenly turns into this thing where it's all about one dude. I for one, spit on Stephenie Meyers writing skills.

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