14 December 2010

Being Vegeterian isn't easy...

Being a vegetarian isn't easy I can tell you that. At our family Christmas (no presents were involved, and the reason it isn't on the 25th of December is a long story) my two cousins Te Te and Mi Mi, kept shoving ham in my face trying to get me to eat meat (Surprisingly enough I ate.... (wait for it...) a SALAD). And at school my friend (wasn't directly talking to me, look like she was talking to the person opposite her, but I think it was towards the whole table group, but I only over heard her)was talking about another friend she has at her OLD school that claims to be a vegetarian, but still eats meat sausages because she misses/loves them. Which made me realise how much I miss eating stuff like hot dogs, breakfast sausages, and burgers. And I ain't talking about sh*t from Macca's that they wait for the fat guy to come out of the toilet and then cook it and call it a burger with a large drink, a large pack of fries, and ice cream. No I am talking about the real good stuff, stuff off the Barbi. Yeah baby, that's how I rrroooollll! But now it is all gone. You know that's part of being a vegetarian B*TCH! Now, my friend, who is a guru on being a vegetarian, said that artificial meat tastes REAL bad. I looks real, but tastes BAD. So imagine this nice looking piece of bacon but it feels like oobleck in your mouth. But then I remembered being at a Wine and Food Festival once and I tried a vegetarian sausage, and let me be honest, I thought it tasted bad, I don't remember the taste, but I remember my REACTION. So I thought back on this, back then it look like a little bit of meat with whole bunch dark green stuff had been cut up and chucked into a processor. But considering it was a vegetarian sausage I thought it would be another type of vegetable. But thinking now, it WAS probably random artificial chemicals that have long difficult names and numbers. Now also my guru says that I am not allowed to eat chicken/meat flavoured anything (like crackers) either, being a vegetarian. But the on the back of the packet, it says nothing about real chicken. It just has all those artificial chemicals with difficult names that sound like diseases. It doesn't even TASTE like real Chicken. But what about those awful artificial hams you talked about? How does that get an exception? But today those chicken flavored crackers tasted weird, I think my guru poisoned them for a punishment. Nah, I can't be too sure. No actually I am kidding. She is very lonely in the world of being a vegetarian and I don't think she'll like to give me up QUITE yet.

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