14 December 2010

Isn't it sad....

Isn't it sad how get accused of being a sl*t because you wear a skirt?! When you little, if you didn't wear a skirt, well you were a 'tomboy' (back when I was little, at my school, everyone would say they were a tomboy, and would always say I was a girly girl, that's right I was the weird one desperate for some friends (from ages 5-11) but now I don't f*cking care about hanging out with the 'popular' people, they spread awful rumours). But now days the sl*ts would call ME a sl*t because I was wearing a skirt! F*ck bitch, your shorts look like demin underwear. So I copy and pasted a picture off facebook that reminded me of this onto my laptop, copy and pasted it to my facebook page, and uploading it to you.

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