22 December 2010


Hey guys. There is a girl at my school who is called 51[7% and she is a cyberbully on the internet. I currently can't report her bullying behaviour due to the fact that we don't go to intermediate school anymore. We go to High school. And it's the holidays. And it's a whole new school year next year. But I do know she is going to the same high school. Like just before she is like 'are you just coming up with factual sounding things?' and what am I supposed to say. I mean I do make up come backs and stuff. I ain't gonna sit there while she feels like she is superior to me because she feels the need to insult me about every word that comes out of my mouth or from the keyboard. Hey! Yeah, you! 51[7%! I can sense your sarcasam through the computer! So I tell my understanding friend who gets my sense of humour to read it. And when I re-fresh the page, she deleted her comments to make me sound like the bad guy!

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