26 June 2010

Guys? I know this sounds crazy, but, I think celebrities need water too?

Have you ever watched those Teen Award shows? And BEFORE the actual show, they have carpet (commonly known as the Red Carpet). And all these celebrities show up and take photos, and answer questions, and behind those totally calm, make-up covered reporters are these crazy fans. And they are behind a fence-thingy. But what is it for? Why don't you just remove it? I mean they aren't allowed to go on the red carpet; I know THAT. They'll ruin the photos. But they can just put a tape along the ground, and the fans will know that they are meant to stay behind that line. I know the answer to that question. Because these assumed "Human Girls" are "in love" with Justin Bieber, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Launter, whatever. But if I just put Robert Pattison out in public, no security guards, no agents, no bullet proof vests (hey, did I mention I'll be near by? Just kidding; but still, it could happen!) etc, etc. He would be dead in 5 minutes. That's because his fans don't care about his SAFETY (even though they claim they are in love with him), they care about...... nothing. Nothing. They just want something for themselves. To show off to their friends. If Robert Pattinson were to date a girl. He won't date a FAN. He wouldn't want to date a girl with pictures of himself all over their wall. He would be too supicous that she (or he, HEY! He is at least bisexual if he sparkles! Just Kidding, again...) would look through his text messages. And the ask who Lily is and then he has to tell them that it is his MANAGER. Or even worse his mum. Check his facebook wall every hour. He doesn't want that. And the WORST thing is that these obsessed girls spend writing hours about them all over the internet! And they just assume that the celebrity LOVES them back. And the WORSER thing is they don't to notice that they are obsessed. If I knew a obsessed girl like the ones I am talking about, I'll suggest some help. And some girls want Robert Pattinson to be their first kiss for their 29th birthday. To help fundraise for Depression. Dear God. I really don't think he is going to be comfortable doing THAT. With a girlfriend and everything. And then you'll be too forward, and you'll want a realationship, and all that baggage. You want him to dump his girlfriend for you, and your selfish needs. Seriously, these obsessions are starting to pev me off, go away, and come back with an intresting life that I WANT to hear about.
And BTW here is a the cab that hit Robert Pattinson in the nose when you guys were chasing him done the street in Chicago:

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