26 June 2010

What is HOT?

Hawt, Hwt, Hot, same thing. But in movies;
What is Hot? What is Pretty? It doesn't seem to apply properly in movies. The "nerdy" girl seems to be the pretty one. She just has glasses. And as soon as she takes them off she is pretty? THIS is probably the reason girls dread the idea of getting glasses. Even though they might only have to wear them some of the time. Some CRY over this. PLEASE, you have it easy, at least you're not BLIND. THAT is something worth crying over. The "Popular" guys in the movies (Disney especially) are SO ugly (sorry, that(hairy) mole is doing nothing for you there buddy). And Regina George from Mean Girls?! How did SHE get popular? I mean; like half the time the movie is based around how PRETTY and TALENTED (Regina isn't THAT talented, she's just rich *random dumb blond whispers in my ear*, No, being rich isn't a talent; or a job). And is what with the insults across the cafeteria?! Seriously! If I did that my teachers would give me a detenion! But she just seems to go by her life untouched. And in this movies FORGET DINNER!!! LET'S WASTE FOOD!! Ha ha! EVEN THOUGH WE HAVE NO MONEY! And this classes last like five minutes. Draw an orange on the back cover of my book! Well that's Basic Facts for TODAY!!!! Wait??? Your not meant to be in Basic Facts in High School. What happened to this homework you guys are meant have?! Yes, yes! You did SO have homework! Because you SAID that you CANNOT go to your friends house today PURELY because you have homework. And now you're on chat with me. Your high school NEVER has homework. I mean seriously they never have they homework. These popular people have it easy. And they are ALWAYS get "QUEEN BEE" for the Spring Fling, and "Best B*tch" on Halloween Night. OOPS! I meant "Best Witch". All of a sudden drinking is "cool", oops, the next High School next door's, Popular Girl said that it WASN'T "cool" because it was "un-classy". Oops! It is IN style again. WAIT. I am confused. *random person: "Ellie, just let it go."* No Wait. *"No, just go"*

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