04 June 2010

Is Gay over-rated?!

What is with it? Last year I clearly rememeber, presenting a project to to the class. And I said the word Gay. In the meaning of Homosexaulity. And everyone laughed. EVEN the teacher. I was the only one not laughing. And a few kids who had no idea what I am talking about because their parents refuse to teach them about the 21st century 2009 (I know this year is 2010, but last year was 2009, if you knew how to count you would know). What is with it?! Gay, Lesbian, or Homosexual isn't about word. It didn't slip out of my mouth. I wasn't using it as an insult (which should never be used as an insult, especially to an adult, all they are going to do is drag you into a store and make you buy a dictionary, and here's the bad part; they make you use your own money! SHOCKER, I KNOW). It was in the quote of what the person said! How is any of that funny at all!? Isn't that just immature?! Oh, and yes if you are the homophobic parent of a child who knows NOTHING about the gay culture, you clearly are very dumb, because your child might find out the way that you think is the WORST way to find out about Homosexuality; he might see them kissing, walk in on something in particular..........
Anything can happen. You just need to be straight up about it. Tell them what it is. Because otherwise your Homophobic choices won't turn out too well.......
And all you other child-less, homophobic, adults out there I dislike you very much. Until you realize that one day that you'll just have to live your life around gays and pretend that they are humans too (actually they are humans, you just refuse that they are from the same species).
That is what is important to me right now (and a few other things) and that is what matters.

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