09 May 2010

T.V./Movie Traditions.

1. Talking about someone when they are right behind them. I have seen this so many times on Hannah Montana (when I am bored). It is so old. It hardly ever happens to me. So less often it only has happened to me once. But the person interuppted me, so I didn't actually say anything.
2. The makeover. As soon as the popular "nice" girl takes the "dorky" girl's glasses off she is suddenly pretty. Which is really a offensive, to girls who look fine either way/isn't all that pretty.
3. In any sad movie (that it isn't a documentry)they always have to say something funny. So instead of putting it in the 'Depression' catagory at the rental store it should be called the 'Comedic Depression" catagory.
4. The 'Romantic Action Movie'. They always have to have a romance between two Charaters. And they don't like to keep it in the backround either, it always has to be the two main male and female Characters.
5. Seen through the girl's eyes. Have you ever seen a hit T.V. show shown through the boys eyes? Not really.......
6. Acting the age they are not. 21 year olds' playing 17 year olds'! Oh the horror!!! 6 year olds' playing 11 year olds'!!! Scary!!!!!
7. Dolly. Mummy??? The little girls being chased by killer clowns. And baby sitters being stalked, when the parents are out.......
8. The back punch. You punch your arm into the air while dancing, and your hand goes back. "Oooough!!!" oops you just punched them in the face. And another one. Ooooough!!!! Ooooough!!! OUGH!!!!"

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