22 May 2010

40 Hour Famine

This year I am doing the 40 hour famine, for world vision to help suffering kids in africa. Here are the teams:
Blue: To help build a toilet, so drinking water is seperate from "Human Waste" water.
Yellow: Nutritional Training, To teach mothers about good nutrition so her children can grow healthy and strong.
Red: Everyday Essentials, Provide soap, gloves and medical supplies for caregivers who help look after orphans and people living with HIV and AIDS in africa.
Green: Learning Marterials, give children in Tarzania learning Marterials like books, pens, and chalk so they can get a proper education. I am on the RED team this year, because I am very afraid of sickness, and death. I am lucky enough to have not turn around and seen another suffering or dying everyday. I am having no sleep, and it is Currently 1:42 am as I finish writing this. Next year YOU could join the 40 Hour Fanime and make a difference, just go to: famine.org.nz to get involved for NEXT year. Thank you SO much. Love guys.

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