09 May 2010

How to know you are obsessive of your child!!!! :O

1. You put plasters on their ankles before they use their new shoes.
2. You won't let them get their ears peirced until they have turned 22.
3. You won't let them go to sleepovers.
4. They aren't allowed to leave home until they are married.
5. You make their (not-so) future Boyfriend/Girlfriend sign a contract before they date your child.
6. The only thing they are allowed to watch on T.V. is Playhouse Disney, and only 15 minutes on a electronic device a day under your supervision! When they turn 12 they are up graded to watching icarly! Yay!!!!! (With bleepers and editing).
7. They ask your permission to spend their own pocket money.
8. They have had an anicent cellphone since they were 5. But no new ones since then.....
9. Your way is the only right way...... according to you.
10. You keep binoculars in your purse.
11. You wrap them in Bubblewarp before they go outside.

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