08 May 2010

Kissing! Ugh!

What is a KISS?! When do you have a KISS?! Why do we kiss?! Why is sharing each others spit so ROMANTIC, instead of DISGUSTING?! Why do (some) guys try to even bother using the yawn technique?! I do not know why. Apparently a kiss is used on these on occasions:
Greeting: When you meet a Prime minister, aunt, grandma, or even stranger, you will keep your lips CLOSED and kiss them on the cheek.
Movie: On a first date, don't go to the movies, that is when a guy is most able to use "The Yawn". It is where people can secretly make-out. But I don't want to go there.
French Kiss: It isn't called the French Kiss because it came from France, it was because in France they would always end a dance with a Kiss. Oooohhh la la la!!!! It is when you slip your tounge into your parteners mouth. Apparently it gives great pleasure, thank god I don't have to know about THAT!
Mistle Toe: In New Zealand we don't really do Mistle Toe, but it is hung up under a door way (usually), and warning, there could be the person you want to kiss the LEAST could be there. So RUN through the doorway on christmas!
Fun facts about Kissing!:
1.A woman in China partially lost her hearing after her boyfriend reportedly ruptured her eardrum with a passionate kiss. Apparently, the kiss reduced the pressure in the mouth, pulled the eardrum out, and caused the breakdown of the ear.
2.The science of kissing is called philematology.
3.French kissing involves all 34 muscles in the face. A pucker kiss involves only two.
4.Passionate kissing burns 6.4 calories a minute. A Hershey’s kiss contains 26 calories, which takes five minutes of walking–or about four minutes of kissing–to burn off.
5.Kissing at the conclusion of a wedding ceremony can be traced to ancient Roman tradition where a kiss was used to sign contract.
6.“X”s at the end of a correspondence letter represent the contact of the lips during a kiss.
7.A kind of saliva is produced while kissing which cures gum bleeding and prevents accumulation of germs.
8.Facial muscles get stronger and cheeks grow chubby.
9.10 min of kissin burns abt 220 calories... That is equal to 20 min of brisk walk.
So is THAT the reason people like making out?!

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