13 February 2010

How to be popular (a.k.a. have lots of friends)

This post is directed at GIRLS aged between 11-17, and go to a school.
In a REALLY old post I told you how to be popular, but now I don't stand by it anymore and I can't find it and DELETE it. So I am writing a NEW one.
"Popular" girls are ditzy spoilt bratz dolls (I used the term bratz dolls because they have such BIG heads and SKINNY bodies). And the girls at MY school seem to hang out with wannabes and the "anti-dieters" (if you know what I'm saying.... hint, hint). I guess it is to make themselves look like the "bigger" or should I say better person/people.
1. Just be happy, fun-loving and slightly weird.
4. Have nice fragrance. Spray a cheap but good smelling perfume. Spray on your neck and wrists (I said cheap so if you run out you can buy some more with out breaking your budget)
5. Be active.
6. Body spray. Spray on after perfume and deodorant AND FULLY CLOTHED. In armpits, around you stomach and legs, and in between your KNEES.
7. When someone says that they LOVE something or like it, but you HATE it (lets say for example Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus, Selena Gomez, Demi Lavato, Jonas Brothers, The whole entire Disney channel franchise, Cartoon Network, Doctor Who) say "Nah I don't really like it." They'll understand that you not as obsessed as they are and won't over do it. If you are in love with total crap like Disney Channel and Doctor Who, CONGRATS.
8. Don't be a clone. Agreeing with every single thing they say even though you don't like it, love it, hate it, or don't even know what they are talking about, it'll FREAK THEM OUT.
9. Don't let them claim owner ship of your stuff! If they even bothered trying that on me, I would SLAP them (I don't reccomend slapping, punching, kicking a friend)!
10. Don't let them control your life. Telling you that you can't hang out with someone, wear something, watch a show, go on a website, eat something, text your parents, or date your crush, is just plain wrong.

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