22 February 2010

10 Reasons NZ is awesome!!!!

1. We are beautiful. Do you know that Jack Black wouldn't shut up about how beautiful his view was in a hotel when he was staying in NZ while making some of King Kong? He would interrupt the interviewer and change the subject of the movie to how beautiful NZ was? Bet you didn't. Ha ha, I laugh at you. And Basshunter said NZ woman were beautiful. So there.
2. No one is currently hating us... AMERICA.
3. We are the only country (no continents) to be the home of Maori and speak Maori (I would put a little hyphen thing above the "a" in Maori but I don't think the computer lets me do this).
4. We have an actual brotherhood bond with a another country(I don't actually know if other countries have brotherhood bonds, but we sure do)!! High five Australia!
5. We are the only ones known to have the Tuatara, Kiwi, and Hector Dolphin(there are many more animals too)!!!!
6. Small country, less room for idiots.
7. We are home to many famous people like Peter Jackson, Midnight Youth, Gin Wigmore, Kate Sheppard, Sir Edmund Hilary, Fred Hollows, etc., etc.
8. We don't need Reindeer! We've got sheep! And a man with a black, rugby singlet, karki shorts, Gum boots, and a good, old, red, tractor. We don't need santa! We've got a pot belly farmer!!!!!
9. We have Christmas in SUMMER - worth getting that bikini from your sister after all.
10. A very expensive/famous (not sure which) magazine surveyed and found out that New Zealand came second as most beautiful country in the world.
Note: And that's why tourists should not litter. TOURISTS..... I am watching you.........

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