01 February 2010


I have school tomorrow.... I never posted that "what swim togs suit you" post. Oh well summers over, just if you have a extra "tyre" get a 1 piece with stomach control (I am probably not doing much confidence for my fellow New Zealanders right now.... in case you don't know New Zealand has gained a little weight) And back on my back to school subject, I proably should do a Back-to-School look post to make a good impression on those new kids. But my school has a uniform :(. So I don't know why I what all those videos on Youtube about them.... I guess I have nothing else to do with my time and they are useful for mufti-day. Okay fine I'll do one....

Wear this "beautiful" disco jersey or just a Christmas holiday Jersey like this one...

and pair it with this pretty demin skirt....

See! Now you look beautiful! Or even get permanent tattoo like this one!

1 comment:

  1. I know you'll stop traffic. You know I have a great style in fashion.... You'll be dating that "hot" school computer geek in no time (you know the one you always see with the geeky fake glasses, has dandraft that not even head and shoulders cannot remove, falls asleep on the bus and dribbles, and is appereantly germiphobic!!! Lucky you!!!!)
