10 April 2011

From down the rabbit hole

Address: http://alice-fromdowntherabbithole.blogspot.com/

Shit, this is awesome

Dude, I know the orginal was shit, but this is just... too cool. Where can I get this song?

06 April 2011

Should I give my forum a name?

Hmmm? What shall I call my readers? My forum? My dolls? My gals? My bimbos? My followers LOL get cuz it is like a cult but on the internet and blogging and twitter.... haha ha ha? Not funny. My cheeleaders? Nah. But I really want to KNOW! My gangstas? I asked on facebook. Hmmm. Alot people are going to answers with "Your blog is gay and I don't give a shit". That's right coz I am a BAD girl, I don't use astrix anymore! Actually astrix don't make a difference. Because you know what I'm saying anyway. Don't worry I am NOT going to increase or DECREASE the rate of my swearing, it is going to stay the same. And just because I swear doesn't mean I encourage it, it is actually alot better if you DON'T coz at the rate I'm going I am not allowed anywhere any young children under the age of 12 anymore unless they're my brother which I have one of and as sad is it is I have to live with him. Actually I was JUST KIDDING I do hang around kids, it's just when I stub my toe or drop something important (don't make any jokes about me dropping children coz I don't, and then a concerned reader will get the authorities involved and it'll be this whole big mess that YOU started) like much less important than a child but more important than homework, that's when I start swearing. And if I DO swear in front of a child it'll be completely unintentional. So going back on topic what should I call my forum. And DON'T suggest 'My little fuckers' because that'll just be wrong, increase my swearing rate, and I'll be banned from blogging until I leave my shelter of my mother's roof which will be in..... *does maths* in five years at the LEAST. So that's a long time. Until next time... THINK OF NAMES FOR YA'LL SELVES!!!

30 March 2011

Ma money hat

Today in modern dance, my teacher 'J' decided to teach us 'Gangsta Hip hop' which is known to be a difficult type of hip hop because it is very fast and is kind of meant to be intimidating, because that IS what gangstas are, intimidating. And she said there was a 'prize' and we all thought off instinct "It's gonna be chocolate, as usual." And before she picked our finalists for this 'prize' she showed us the prize, the gangsta-terist hat eva. Not really, but pretty gangsta, because it had pictures of money on it, and a dollar sign at the front (not really at the 'front' knowing the way how people switch around the way it is positioned), and the majority of gangsta hats have money on them. Thanks J! There were some pretty intense dancers, but I think my gangsta 'snarl' got J's vote. Looking back on it I PROBABLY wasn't the 'fastest' dancer.

24 February 2011

My Crazy Sister

LOL,now I know how my brother feels.... kind of...

Shut up skank

Have you ever run into a girl that only talks about guys? Like not, saying that guy is cute a lot, but the kind that says "I am meeting three guys at Maccas today!". And all you can think of the way she said it was "What is this? A three way date?". Girls like this bother me, they actually DO brag about being a skank. She isn't exactly a "Sl*t", because a "Sl*t" is well, I can't exactly put my way without sounding like a b*tch to all sl*ts out there, so I'll get a dictionary definition from a dictionary website, and then give you... my definition.
Dictionary Definition (dictionary website address:http://dictionary.reference.com/):
1. a dirty, slovenly woman.
2. an immoral or dissolute woman; pr*stitute.
My Definition (Website address: My brain):
A girl who has s*x with a lot of men, basically that's it.
Where on the other hand a skank is...
Dictionary Definition (Address:http://dictionary.reference.com/):
verb (used without object)
Slang . to dance rhythmically in a loose-limbed manner.
My Definition (Address: My brain):
A girl who dates a lot of guys and wears really, REALLY short skirts,and takes inapropreate photos, or just makes disgusting kissy faces at the camera, but cannot be called a "Sl*t" because she does NOT have s*x with a lot of men. She just has a different boyfriend every week.
If you are skank, you are very easily mistaken for a sl*t.
Yours sinerily,
A brutally honest b*tch named Ellie.

Sl*t(this was the most PG photo I could get):

I'm lazy...

Sorry, I haven't been posting much lately. And then I checked on the people checking this blog out, and I just HAD to post something! Just admit it, I'm lazy, instead of writing posts, I have been attending High School (BIG CHANGE), doing homework (so far, the most difficult, MAKING TITLE PAGES!!!! *GASP*), and liking facebook pages. I know my life is hard with Ellie as it is.

13 February 2011

Lady Gaga - Born This Way (Audio)

Hey, bitch, shut up. I was born this way. Were you born a bitch?

29 January 2011

18 January 2011

I want a doooooggg

If you didn't all ready know. I have wanted a dog all my life. I am just a dog person. I have two cats, and they are three I think, so I hope they will just get used to the dog over time. Because we are getting a dog after my family and I get back from Europe. I want a girl. And mum seems to have her heart pretty set on a Yorkshire Terrier, even though my brother wants a Miniature Schnauzer, but I don't want a girl with a mustache. Like I know that Yorkshire Terriers a mustache too, but Miniature Schnauzer's are grey, so I makes the dog look even MORE like an old business man. I'll show you.
Girl Yorkshire Terrier:

Girl Miniature Schnauzer:

Boy Yorkshire Terrier:

Boy Miniature Schnauzer:
And what should I name her? Blossom? Raine? Adelaide? Ava? Callista? Cynitha? Venus? Aphrodite? Candy? You have no idea how important this is to me. This dog is going to be my girlfriend. This dog is going to be my sister (I don't have a sister not even my cats, my guinea pigs were sold as girls at the pet shop but WEREN'T girls, Chloe (my mum's cat which died) was more like an aunt to me). This dog is going to be my best friend (my friends never really thought I was BFF material, like we were close, but they liked other people more....>:()

11 January 2011

07 January 2011

Leona Lewis - Happy [Official Music Video]

When you watch this you'll know what I am talking. It is really a great song. And all I could think of that 'particular woman' at the end (hint hint), is WHAT A B*TCH! I mean I generally think of that of anyone who has something like that sort of advantage over me. All I can think is, you gloaty little b*tch. Stop smiling. Somewhere at the back of your mind you know you stole something from me. Yeah, b*tch. I mean it sucks that I think that way. And it is really a great video. WATCH IT. NOW.

03 January 2011

- _ -

I found my cellphone. The one I lost at the cheerleading competition. It was in my bag, in an outside camofladge pocket. And that bag has been sitting in my room for a whole month. And everytime we rang it, it did not make a sound. Did I tell you that I lost my cellphone? I think I did. I vaguely remember writing about it on here. Did I? And I know I didn't turn it off because it didn't go straight to voicemail when we called it. I know. I have the weirdest life possible. And we looked everywhere. I mean I didn't realise it was gone until we got to the airport. Like I thought might of lost it, and I couldn't get my mind off it in the shuttle when we were GOING to the airport, but I didn't check because thought I was over reactting. And I was, but I sort of wasn't.