03 January 2011

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I found my cellphone. The one I lost at the cheerleading competition. It was in my bag, in an outside camofladge pocket. And that bag has been sitting in my room for a whole month. And everytime we rang it, it did not make a sound. Did I tell you that I lost my cellphone? I think I did. I vaguely remember writing about it on here. Did I? And I know I didn't turn it off because it didn't go straight to voicemail when we called it. I know. I have the weirdest life possible. And we looked everywhere. I mean I didn't realise it was gone until we got to the airport. Like I thought might of lost it, and I couldn't get my mind off it in the shuttle when we were GOING to the airport, but I didn't check because thought I was over reactting. And I was, but I sort of wasn't.

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