09 November 2009


They suck. Admit it you teachers/Adults reading this you suck. You don't have a understanding in the world. We know you "want" us to be "safe". But sometimes you take it too far. When we are late to class/home you yell. I certainly know that over 5 minutes (to class) isn't good enoungh, but under 4 is fine. What if they are being held up by another teacher? Yelling at us because we got 1 answer wrong isn't going to help us do any better, let alone teach us anything. I am the dumbest person at maths you probably will ever meet. Looking at my homework and saying it isn't done isn't making any sense if you say it over and over again. What is finished? Turning something down or giving it a lower grade because you spilled your coffee is your fault not ours. And blaming us becusing you couldn't catch us off the big flying fox at camp is simply not fair. Telling a child they weren't listening when they ask you again is not helping the child. What if there was the child behind them talking? NOT FAIR. If a child (must have the maturity of a sensible 14 year old. I do) asks to stay home and work on a project/homework instead of going out with the rest that is simply fine. Yes I do have brain, some kids are irresponsible, but I am not. Why judge a child who has done nothing wrong?

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