11 September 2010

The wait

Isn't it weird when you go to sleepovers and you stay up all night, and you go to sleep at like 5:00 am and then in the morning it is all awkward, everyone is tired, and everyone is sick of each other? But I absolutely HATE it when, everyone is awkward and tired, and you are uncertain of how your getting home. I don't really mind when the organisation is that your parent(s) will pick you up, bescause you can avoid the awkwardness of the tiredness because they can pick you up when you like, but I HATE it when the your friend's parent(s) are dropping you off because:
1. Your friend sometimes decides that they would rather stay home and watch T.V. than drop you off with their parents, so there is a really awkward vibe between you and your friends parent(s).
2. You can't just decide when you want to leave, your friends parents decide. So this could last forever.
Just saying.

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