22 August 2010

Where did the Canadians' go?

I have seen that an exceptional lot of my readers are from America. Now I do not know this 'reader-country-dectection' works, and I don't know if they mean 'America' the continent, as in Mexico, Canada, and USA etc, etc. Or 'America' as in just 'United States of America'. And it will notify me seperately if a Canadian is reading. But just in case, if you are a real person, or an extremely talented Animal that uses computers, you know a Canadian, you like my blog, you think they'll like my blog, then send them the link.
Meanwhile I'll just type in some Canadian words:
Justin Bieber
Canadian Phrases:
"Can Twilight NOT be filmed in Vancouver!? I would just like our local Vancouvens to stay sane."
"Can Justin Bieber NOT be counted as an Candian?!"
"WE ARE NOT AMERICAN. Gee willicers."
Canadian Pictures:


Yuuuummmmm..... Uh.... uh KIDDING! JUST KIDDING!

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