13 January 2010


Seriously! In my house the webs everywhere. But you never see the Spiders. Unless your in the bathroom. My mum says they are good for keeping the flys away. NO they don't! I see dead FLIES in my room all the time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Which makes a fly a pervert! EVEN WORSE! Just before I was in the bathroom. Spotted quite a scary looking spider (I have been spotting him lately now, nothing like daddy long legs!). So threw a roll of toilet paper at it and scored everytime. I mean some creepy animal lover will being going "It's a SPIDER! It doesn't care or EVEN KNOW!". It's perving on me! GROSS. Worse than a old man!!!!! Wait when it died, was it really dead? Or just playing dead and going to get back up on it's horrible eight-legs!? Wait here a secound.......
"DIE, DIE! Okay.... Deep breaths. Okay, Okay, I think it's dead.... DIE, DIE, DIE......" Um, awkward........
One time I went to the toilet and there was that spider in the toilet bowl!!!!!!!!! I'm not having that thing in there while I go to the loo. So I flushed the toilet and left.
EWWWWW that means I have EVEN MORE PERVETS IN MY HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11 January 2010


Sorry I haven't blogged in a while. But I have had kiwi summer and come back to really bad weather. But I saw some REALLY bad beach bodies(no offence. But being to confident could be a little too much). So I'll do a blog on how to wear togs. And what to a wear at beach pool.....

See what uh I mean?