Seriously! In my house the webs everywhere. But you never see the Spiders. Unless your in the bathroom. My mum says they are good for keeping the flys away. NO they don't! I see dead FLIES in my room all the time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Which makes a fly a pervert! EVEN WORSE! Just before I was in the bathroom. Spotted quite a scary looking spider (I have been spotting him lately now, nothing like daddy long legs!). So threw a roll of toilet paper at it and scored everytime. I mean some creepy animal lover will being going "It's a SPIDER! It doesn't care or EVEN KNOW!". It's perving on me! GROSS. Worse than a old man!!!!! Wait when it died, was it really dead? Or just playing dead and going to get back up on it's horrible eight-legs!? Wait here a secound.......
"DIE, DIE! Okay.... Deep breaths. Okay, Okay, I think it's dead.... DIE, DIE, DIE......" Um, awkward........
One time I went to the toilet and there was that spider in the toilet bowl!!!!!!!!! I'm not having that thing in there while I go to the loo. So I flushed the toilet and left.
EWWWWW that means I have EVEN MORE PERVETS IN MY HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!